Julia Pribytkova - местный частный тур гид в стране Украина

Hi guys!

My name is Julia and i live&work; in Kyiv - capital of Ukraine.

I work in a touristic sphere - make and organize guided tours in Kyiv.

The name of my company - describe everything. It is: "I love my city. Kiev".

So, now you understand my attitude to this incredible city.

99% of my guests, from all over the world, after our tours tells me - that they haven’t expect that Kyiv is so beautiful, old (usually it is not so easy to stay in a good shape after so many years) and positive!

Hope that you will see it in your own eyes!

But. If you want to discover this city with your NOT only eyes, but also want to know its secret - feel free to ask for help!

We make regular open and private tours in English, Russian languages.

See you in Kyiv!


Important info:

i make only classical guided tours in Kyiv, in historical places. NO night tours, bar tours or escort. Thank you and have a good time in Kyiv!

Языки Английский, Русский, украинский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Гривна (UAH)

Экскурсии (16)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Ken Lin
24 ИЮН 2019
Julia is very lovely, knowledgeable and speak very good English. She is very kind, arranged everything perfectly. She made the tour fun and feel like walk with a good friend.
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