Language English, Spanish
Cost 69 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 7 hours

This two Archaeological Parks located in the city of Chalchuapa were important regional trade and ceremonial centers. Tazumal has the biggest pyramid ever found in El Salvador.

The importance of Tazumal is the archeological site with evidence of one of the longest occupancy in Mesoamerica. It was inhabited by different tribes and cultures before, during and after the Maya, including migrations from distant places as far as Central Mexico.

Casa Blanca is a site still under excavation and investigation. Here you’ll visit the Site's museum with ancient pieces and detailed explanation of the civilizations that built this pyramids, temples and structures and made vitrified pottery since the Early Post Classic Period (900 - 1200 BC).

Santa Ana is the most important, largest and most densely populated city in the Western region of El Salvador. The Centro Histórico is one of the best preserved and most attractive architectural groups in the country with a mix of styles, from the Neo-gothic to the Neo-colonial and Art Deco.

During the turn to 20th Century local families that made their wealth on coffee exports began to travel or sent their children to study abroad, specially to Europe. When they were back they wanted a piece of the European culture in their hometown. That’s how they taxed the coffee exported from their fincas to raise funds and build exquisite architecture and public buildings all around Plaza Libertad (Main Square). Here we take a look and visit some the most important public buildings in the city: the Cathedral of Our Lady of Santa Ana, the magnificent Theatre and the City Hall.

On our way back we make a stop to enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful volcanic caldera of Coatepeque Lake.


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