Loiyangalani Desert Museum

Language English
Cost 250 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 12 hours

Loiyangalani is a small town on the lake’s southeast coast. Loiyangalani, which means “a place of many trees” in Samburu, is also home to the El Molos, a nearly extinct community. The town grew from a freshwater spring and is known as an Oasis in the desert. Because of the unique desert environment and the rich cultural lifestyle of the people of Lake Turkana, it is quickly becoming a tourist attraction. An airstrip, post office, fishing station, campsites, and lodges are among the town’s amenities. The National Museums of Kenya, in collaboration with other partners, organize the Lake Turkana Festival, a cultural festival held annually in Loiyangalani to celebrate the culture of this region and to promote both local and international tourism.


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