Jewish tour

Language English, French, Spanish
Cost 210 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 2 hours

Discover the secrets of one of the best-preserved Jewish quarters in Europe.

6 centuries of Jewish community make up the history of the city.

With this guided tour you will uncover where Jewish people lived, which activities they did, the location of the 3 medieval synagogues and much more.

In Girona, the famous rabbai and Kabbalist Nahmanides was born.

Girona is "mother city of Israel" and was a center of spirituality.

You cannot miss the Museum of Jewish History.

It contains:

- medieval documents like quetubas and notary papers

- the most important collection of Hebrew tombstones on the Peninsula

- the last micvé - Jewish ritual bath - of the Girona community, which was in use until the Expulsion in 1492.

Entrane fee is 4€ per person. Museum tickets are not included in the tour.


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