Let's explore Bukhara, the city with a rich history!

Language English
Cost 70 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 5 hours

Bukhara, a 2500-year-old ancient city in Uzbekistan, welcomed guests from various countries such as Turkey, the US, and Spain who decided to get together.

Despite the fatigue from having a walking tour of historical monuments, they were captivated by the city's rich and glorious history.

Lutfi Bey, a professor and a tourist guide from Turkey, Kristina, a doctor from Spain and Steve, an IT developer from the US made a great team complementing each other!

Especially, the sharing of knowledge about history from Lutfi Bey was the most honourable experience I have had!

It is always good to meet people who are full of energy and knowledge!

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