Born's tunnels

Language Bosnian, English, German, Croatian, Slovene, Serbian
Cost 453 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 10 people
Duration 6 hours

Hike from Ljubelj to Prevala and Roblekov dom.

Born's tunnels and Karavanke mountains - we make our way around the outside of the beautiful mountain of Begunjščica, passing through alpine tunnels before walking up to the Prevala mountain hut where we'll enjoy the view and the stunning panorama.

Walking time: approx 3 h

Joint ascent: 600m

Difficulty: medium

On the way stop for lunch

Estimated arrival at Roblekov dom for a little rest while enjoing the breathtaking panoramic views.

Walk down to Draga and Grad Kamen (castle rock) a 12th century castle hidden in a valley at the foothold of the Karavanke mountains.

Walking time: approx 3 h

Joint ascent: 968 m

Difficulty: easy

Other: Transfer costs 60€


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