Al Ain City Tour - Abu Dhabi UNESCO Sites

Language English, French, Hebrew (modern), Russian
Cost 800 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 8 hours

■Al Ain Tour in Abu Dhabi will cover the following UNESCO sites🎖

●Al Ain Oasis

Al Ain Oasis is one of the garden city’s most stunning sights. With its still-operational traditional falaj (ancient irrigation system) and pathways shaded by 147,000 date palms and fruit trees, it’s the perfect place to see what this region’s agriculture has looked like for millennia.

●El Hili Archeological Park

The park is part of the Hili Cultural Site and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Al Ain. It contains Bronze Age (3000-1300 BCE) and Iron Age (1300-300 BCE) villages,

●Al Jahili Fort

The Fort was built in the late 19th century by Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa the First (r. 1855-1909), both as a symbol of power and as a royal summer residence.

● Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum.

The museum houses artefacts recovered from the many archaeological sites scattered across the region.

● Al Ain Mall


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