Four must-see attractions in Kamakura:

Language English
Cost 68 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 5 hours

There are 41 shrines and 119 temples in Kamakura. It is impossible to visit all of them in one day, so I selected one shrine and three temples. They are very popular and worth visiting.

◎ Four must-see attractions in Kamakura:

① Engakuji ⇒ ② Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine ⇒ ③ Lunch ⇒ ④ Koutokuin (Great Buddha) ⇒ ⑤ Hasedera

◎ Details:

① Engakuji (a historic Zen temple known for its serene surroundings)

② Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine (the biggest and most gorgeous shrine in Kamakura; cherry blossoms are beautiful on both sides of the walkway)

③ Lunch

④ Koutokuin Temple (more than 780 years old, Great Buddha, the symbol of Kamakura)

⑤ Hasedera (1287 years old, a temple with an ocean view and beautiful garden)

You can learn about both Buddhism and Shinto in detail and how to appreciate images of Buddha through this tour.


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