Evening Dinner Nile Cruise in Cairo with Private Transport

Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Cost 40 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 4 hours

Watch the Cairo skyline light up after dark on a 2-hour dinner cruise of the Nile with two remarkable dance performances. Make the most of your time in Cairo with a dinner cruise on one of the world’s most iconic rivers: the Nile. Perfect for couples, this romantic Nile cruise includes not only an open buffet but traditional belly dancers and tanoura whirling dancers. And, thanks to private Enjoy the convenience of a private hotel transfer as you travel to the port, then enjoy a sumptuous Egyptian meal on deck. Watch belly dancers and Tannoura performers bring their traditions to life with a mesmerizing blend of twirling skirts and sensuous movements. Listen to live music from an Egyptian band and take in stunning views of the city at night while palm trees and glittering skyscrapers drift past.


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