Liya R-va is a local private tour guide in Azerbaijan
Salam! Hello! Welcome to Baku! My name is Liya, and I am a local tour guide in Baku, Azerbaijan.
I was born in Baku and spent my very best years here. I am a genuine local; I have loved to walk around and discover my city since I was a teenager. I lived in different Baku neighborhoods, which enriched my knowledge and personal connection with this beautiful city.
As a local, I want to share with my guests the real 'for locals' Baku. I will gladly open all its hidden corners and show the most beautiful places, villages, strict green mountains with snow-capped peaks, Caspian Sea. Treat yourself an honest Azerbaijani tea with traditional sweets and unusual kinds of jam (olive, tangerine, pomegranate, watermelon and even eggplant jam). I will also take you to local cafes that tourists have not yet occupied and where you can taste delicious Azerbaijani dishes (dolma, pilaf, kutab, levengi, etc.). I like to create unique tours and visit places which other travel agencies don't visit. As an experienced traveler, I appreciate how essential a guide can be for enhancing a visitor's experience. Getting to know a new place with a local makes all the difference. I aim to make you discover Baku not as a tourist but as a local. The tours I design are specifically for travelers who seek an authentic experience of Baku. You will walk streets where locals walk. I will tell you about our culture, history and customs.
Believe me, a tour with an experienced guide is quite another. If the guide knows his country well and, at the same time, he tells fascinating stories inspiringly, artistically, and sometimes with a sense of humor, infecting tourists with interest and even love of sights, then you will get a lot of positive emotions and a real tour!
My suggestion on having a good time in Baku:
- Spend your first day in Baku exploring Old City (Icheri Sheher) and its surroundings
- Visiting Carpet Museum and Heydar Aliyev Centre is mandatory!
Do you want something different? Visit Fairy Mountain Yanardaq and mud volcanoes.
I offer a wide variety of tours in and around Baku. I do walking, driving and combination walking/driving tours. My vehicle is a business-class Nissan Sunny, 2012 model year. I'm passionate about history, traditions, food, nature observation, Azerbaijan politics and social dynamics. Azerbaijan is a complex country, that's true.
My basic tour is an introductory / full-day walking tour of old and modern Baku, exploring hidden streets and diverse neighborhoods. I also offer a full-day tour outside of Baku. Countryside tours are totally my favorite! This is an epic full-day tour where we visit unique places and do some interesting things, like baking your own bread in a special clay stove.
I have an interpreter and law background and manage a consulting business when not on tour. For business elite representatives who come to Azerbaijan for business purposes, my consulting company shall provide professional support at business meetings, exhibitions and conferences, organization of conferences and business meetings, interpreting, and translation. I also may provide legal and business outsourcing services.
Apart from living in Baku, I have spent a few years living abroad (Canada, Russia, Turkey) and really like meeting guests from all around the world. I have traveled around many countries and know precisely what's the key to having a good time in a foreign country and what you need in an unfamiliar city: walk a little, have some fun, learn brief history lessons, take lovely photos, do pit-stops for coffee and lunch, share great stories, smile and enjoy! And as a local, I do know places for all of that!
I look forward to meeting you and share my appreciation of my fantastic hometown and my beautiful country.
Welcome to Azerbaijan. I will see you very soon!
It is impossible to remain indifferent to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan falls in love with itself at first sight!
I will be glad to share this love with you!
I have a Master's degree in History from Baku State University and a Bachelor's Degree in regional studies from the Institute of Foreign Languages.
I lived in Toronto for a while, where I studied Business English so that you can expect everyday conversational English from my side.
I have had a driver's license since 2000, and for countryside tours, I drive my own business-class Nissan Sunny, which accommodates up to four guests.
Certificate of Hands-on Tourist Guiding course.
Дорогие друзья! Добро пожаловать в Азербайджан, эту удивительную, гостеприимную, безумно красивую страну! Я с большим удовольствием открою Вам все ее потайные уголки, покажу самые красивые города, деревни, бескрайние виноградники, строгие зеленые горы с заснеженными вершинами, лазурное Каспийское море, угощу настоящим азербайджанским чаем с традиционными сладостями и необычными видами варенья (оливковое, мандариновое, гранатовое, арбузное и даже баклажанное варенье) и отведу в места, которые еще не оккупировали туристы и где готовят вкуснейшие азербайджанские блюда (долма, плов, кутабы, левенги и еще множество других блюд); Если Вы путешествуете индивидуально или с группой – помогу составить маршрут лично для Вас, посоветую и подберу отели и транспорт, встречу в аэропорту, организую трансфер, бронирование билетов, отеля, апартаментов. В случае сотрудничества на срок более четырех дней, апартаменты для проживания предоставляются бесплатно. Имеется в наличии комфортабельный автомобиль. Поверьте, экскурсия вместе с опытным гидом это совсем другое. Если гид хорошо знает свою страну и в, то же время он рассказывает вдохновенно, артистично и иногда с чувством юмора увлекательные истории, заражая при этом туристов, интересом и даже любовью к достопримечательностям, если Вам преподнесут интересную, уникальную и достоверную информацию, то, что не всегда найдешь в интернете, то тогда Вы получите массу положительных эмоций и настоящую экскурсию! Для представителей деловой элиты, приезжающей в Азербайджан в бизнес целях, моя консалтинг компания обеспечит профессиональное сопровождение на деловых встречах, выставках и конференциях, организацию конференций, деловых встреч, устный перевод, письменный перевод. Будучи дипломированным юристом, предоставляю также услуги юридического и бизнес аутсорсинга. Приезжайте! Из Азербайджана невозможно уехать равнодушным. Азербайджан влюбляет в себя с первого взгляда! Буду рада разделить эту любовь с Вами
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