Language English, Spanish
Cost 59 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 6 hours

Born in 1917, Monseñor Oscar Romero is perhaps the best known Salvadoran worldwide.

After being named San Salvador Archbishop in 1977 he spoke against human rights violations, state’s repression, injustice and poverty. He became the Voice of the voiceless and was assassinated during mass in 1980. Today his legacy is deep in Salvadoran society and well known around the world.

San Salvador is full with landmarks and sites related to Romero’s life and legacy such as the Divina Providencia hospital where he lived and was shot during service. Metropolitan Cathedral where he addressed many of his speeches and his remains lies.

We’ll visit also the touching Monumento a la Memoria y la Verdad Memorial that pays homage to the victims of human rights violations during El Salvador Civil War.

San Salvador is full of sites related to the historical and religious role of Romero who was San Salvador Archbishop during one of the most troubled periods of Salvadoran recent history.

This tour can’t be complete without a visit to the Centro Monseñor Romero in UCA (Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas) with a small hall dedicated to martyrs who gave their lives in El Salvador, including 6 Jesuit priests assassinated by the governments’ forces here in 1989.

On May 2015 Romero  was declared as a Beato (Blessed) for being a Victim of Faith.

According catholic tradition beatification is the step before Saintliness.

His struggle in favor of the poor and victims of Human Rights violations has been inspiration for the whole world.

Film directors, musicians, politicians and world leaders have paid homage to his legacy.

That’s why he’s already known as San Romero de las Américas (Saint Romero of the Americas).

Optional: a visit to Museo de la Palabra e Imagen that holds historical items and and p pictures of Romero (closed on Monday).

Tip: check for the film Romero, with Raul Julia on the role of the Archbishop.


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