Mainamati Comilla | Historical place,

Language Bengali, Bangla, English
Cost 500 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 2 days

Mainamati in Comilla is one of the finest archaeological camp in Bangladesh covered by many historical ruins. “War Cemetery” where you can see the graveyard of the soldiers died in the Myanmar front during the world war-2, Salban Vihara, excavated Buddhist remains of 7th century all the way along the North-south running Lalmai-Hill range and the museum are the places of interest for the history lovers. The journey will take the two-and-a-half hours’ time from Dhaka. Upon arrival we will visit War Cemetery and gradually Museum, Shalban vihara and Lalmai. We’ll also cover Old capital Sonargaon and Panam Nagar in this day. So enjoy the day with the historical journey of Bangladesh.


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