Carneval tour in Venice

Language English, French, German
Cost 120 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 10 people
Duration 2 hours

Did you know that the word Carnevale means ?

1. Carnival is a term that according to experts can derive both from "carrum novalis" or "naval chariot", a sort of allegorical chariot in the shape of a boat with which the ancient Romans inaugurated their commemorations, and from "carnem-levare" that is "to remove the flesh" referring to the period preceding Lent.

2. This feast was made a "public holiday" only at the end of 1200 and is still celebrated only in Catholic countries.

3. Carnival is often dedicated to a basic theme, which can be inspired by parties and side events.

Now that you know a little more, you can immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere


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