3-days tour with Alex across three countries (Benin, Togo, Ghana)

Language English, French
Cost 700 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 3 days

Day 1: Republic of Benin

Porto Novo royal palace and museum, cotonou city tour(major highlights), Ganvie – the stilt village, Ouidah (python temple, sacred forest, point of no return). Lodge in Ouidah.

Day 2: Togo

Cross the land boarder to Togo, visit the wood home (slave home) and Togo ville – the red earth village in agbodrafo, continue to Lomé, visit the fetish market, national museum, independence square and Lomé royal palace museum. Lodge in Lomé

Day 3: Ghana

Cross the land boarder into Ghana, drive 4 hrs to ACCRA, do a City Tour (visit to historical landmarks such as W. E. B. Dubois Center for Pan African Culture, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, Independence/Black Star Square, National Museum, Osu (formerly Christiansborg) Castle- the previous seat of the Ghanaian Presidency, Jamestown, Flagstaff House , Kane Kwesi Carpentry workshop. O/N Paloma hotel


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