The Secrets History of the Istanbul

Language English
Cost 80 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 4 hours

Hi everyone, on this tour, we will visit the old city of Constantinople. Why we call that because one of the first settlements of Istanbul is here. And together we will explore the secret part of the Hippodrome. Nearly 100.000 people capacity Byzantium theater. After that, we will discover Blue Mosque and its secrets. For example, why it has 6 minarets? After that, we gonna see the living artifact, Hagia Sofia. Once upon a time, it was the biggest church. At this time, I will introduce my culture. Last part, we will reach first and biggest shopping centers in the world, the Grand Bazaar.

TIPS: All destination entrance is free. In the grand bazaar, we will taste the Turkish spices and delight free.


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