One day Bukhara city tour

Language English
Cost 29 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 10 people
Duration 6 hours

A one day tour of Bukhara city will allow you to explore some of the most iconic landmarks and historical sites of this ancient city. Here is a suggested itinerary for a one day tour of Bukhara:

9:00 AM - Start your day with a visit to the Kalyan Minaret, which is one of the most iconic landmarks in Bukhara. Admire the intricate brickwork and learn about the history of this impressive tower.

10:00 AM - Next, head to the nearby Kalyan Mosque, which is one of the largest mosques in Central Asia. Take in the beautiful architecture and learn about the important role that this mosque has played in the history of Bukhara.

11:00 AM - Visit the Ark of Bukhara, a massive fortress that was once the residence of the Emirs of Bukhara. Explore the various courtyards and rooms of the fortress, and learn about the history of this important structure.

12:00 PM - Take a break for lunch at a local restaurant, where you can sample some of the delicious local cuisine, such as plov or shashlik.

1:00 PM - After lunch, visit the Samanid Mausoleum, which is one of the oldest structures in Bukhara and a masterpiece of Islamic architecture. Admire the intricate brickwork and learn about the history of this impressive structure.

2:00 PM - Next, head to the Chor-Minor, a unique structure that features four minarets of different designs. Learn about the history of this unusual structure and take in the beautiful architecture.

3:00 PM - Visit the Lyabi-Hauz complex, a popular gathering spot for locals and tourists alike. Take a stroll around the peaceful square and admire the beautiful architecture of the surrounding buildings.

4:00 PM - End your day with a visit to a local bazaar, where you can shop for souvenirs and handicrafts.

This one day tour will give you a taste of the rich history and culture of Bukhara, and leave you with unforgettable memories of this ancient city.


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