Fall in love with beautiful Split

Language English, Croatian, Spanish
Cost 110 EUR for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 2 hours

Explore Split, a Croatian town known for its beaches and the fortress like complex, creating a sunny yet medieval charm around it. Regale yourself with an era of regality, amidst the backdrop of modern times. Trace the underground cellars and Peristyle Square, greenmarket, cathedral of St Domnius, Temple of Jupiter, Golden, Silver, Brass and Iron gates.


- Walk through the 1,700-year-old alleyways that form the UNESCO World Heritage Site

- Explore the history of Diocletian’s Palace

- Admire to the one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world

- Visit a variety of sites and plazas

- Feel the vibe of open-air markets

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