Novruz Holiday in Azerbaijan

Language English, German, Russian, Turkish
Cost 50 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 1 day

NOVRUZ HOLIDAY (20-22 March)

Novruz is widely celebrated in our country as the symbol of winter's leaving and spring's coming.

Novruz is celebrated on the first day of spring. The first day of spring on the calendar is determined by the annual circling of the sun.

According to scientists, the holiday has an ancient history. Scientific researches relate the Novruz holiday with the period of the prophet Zardush that dates 3500-5000 years back.

This holiday was celebrated in ancient Babylon for 12 days beginning in March 21. each of the 12 days had its ceremonies and enjoyment. According to the first inscription, the holiday of Novruz was established in 505 B.C

Usually, preparation for Novruz begins a month prior to the festival. Each Tuesday people celebrate the day of one of the four elements – water, fire, wind and soil. People do house cleaning, plant trees, make new dresses, paint eggs, and make national pastries such as shekerbura, pakhlava, shorgoghal, in additional to a great variety of national cuisine.

Come and get to know our old customs!



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