A tour of Tangier

Language English, Spanish
Cost 0 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 3 hours

On this walking tour, we will soak up the history, architecture and culture unique to Tangier. You will leave with an understanding of Moroccan culture and lifestyles.

I grew up in the Medina, so I know all the hidden gems and love seeing people explore the narrow streets of the Medina.

We will start the tour in front of Cineamarif in Grand Socco.

We will see :

The Great Socco

St. Andrews Church

The Mendoubia gardens

Berber market: fruits, vegetables, fish

The Kasbah is an excellent vantage point to view the Strait of Gibraltar

An artesian market where you can find pottery, rugs and artifacts. Sometimes you can walk the streets and see locals working on their art

We will have time to shop at the local artesian markets and spice markets

Little socco

Community oven where residents bring their bread, cakes and fish to cook

You will discover the history and culture of Morocco and much more!

This activity includes:

Kasbah Museum

Rif Cinema

The Petit Socco Bistrot

Grand Socco

St. Andrew's Church

Narrow medina streets


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