An overview of the history of Tangier

Language English, Italian, Spanish
Cost 0 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 2 hours

Exploring the medina:

The excursion can start in the historic medina, the ancient fortified city of Tangier. Exploring the narrow, winding streets could provide insight into traditional Moroccan architecture, bustling markets and local artisans.

Visit to the Kasbah:

Tangier's Kasbah, a historic fortress and residential area, will likely be one of the city's highlights. Visitors can explore its gardens and historic buildings and enjoy panoramic views of the city and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Historical sites :

The tour may include visits to historic sites such as the Dar el Makhzen (Sultan's Palace) or the American Legation, which is the first American public property outside the United States.

Cultural immersion:

Participants may have the opportunity to experience local culture, including interacting with locals, visiting traditional tea houses, or tasting local cuisine.


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