Nicolas Razvan Miroiu is a local private tour guide in Romania
Life is a never-ending journey, and I will explain to you why! But first, a word of advice: when you travel, don’t do it like me :)
Incidentally or not, when I was young, my dad would take me and my brother, like a couple of boy scouts on an exploration quest, through the most remote, yet sublime meadows and forests in Romania, in search of the perfect pollen and nectar-rich flowers for the bees, because that was our family business – beekeeping.
You can’t even imagine what I’ve learned from all those “tourist” experiences and how useful I found the lessons bees taught me, these magical, hardworking creatures that stick together no matter what and live in the most effective micro-society I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure how much you know about the dance of the scout bees and the competition between them, but what I can tell you is that after extensive research, people have discovered that bees have a language through which they communicate. This is expressed through a figure-eight-shaped waggle dance (perhaps having something to do with the symbol for eternity?), and depending on what moves a bee makes, the others decide to follow the one that convinces them it has found the richest and nearest food source.
In a way, that is how I see myself now, from my position as travel experiences stage director, as that “scout” trying to show you WHY visiting Romania with us will enrich your life and WHY this adventure will be an unforgettable experience everyone deserves to have.
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