
Carnival of Venice in 2023 and always

The History of the Venice Carnival

The record of Celebration in Venice dates back to 1056 and has a rich and intriguing past. The earliest origins of the festival are thought to have been rooted in pagan extravaganzas, such as the Roman Saturnalia and the Venetian Festa delle Marie, which observed the arrival of spring. Over time, these revelries merged with Christian practices, such as the banquet of the Epiphany, to form the Venetian Celebration.

 In the 11th century, the Republic of Venice stated the celebration as an authorized affair, and it fast evolved into a term for revelry, masked balls, and different festivities. At the time of the Renaissance, the festival reached new heights of popularity, with detailed covers and outfits becoming a central part of the revelry.

By the 18th century, the Venice Celebration had become one of the most prominent and luxurious festivals in Europe. Masked balls, marches, and other festivities sealed the city's streets, and the celebration was a symbol of the wealth and opulence of the Venetian Republic.

However, the decline of the Venetian Republic in the late 18th century led to the reduction of the festival as well. The Austrians, who occupied Venice at the time, banned the celebration, and it was not legally reinstated until 1979. Despite its absence, the practice of the Venice Celebration lived on through the ages, uplifting countless other extravaganzas around the planet, including the famous Carnival of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Today, the Venice Celebration is once again he maximum acknowledged and eagerly scheduled events on the planet, drawing tourists from almost all over the globe to experience the magic and mystery of this timeless festival.

The Celebration in Venice has a prosperous and engaging chronology that spans over a thousand years. From its pagan roots to its contemporary-day revival, the festival remains a memorable and exciting party on Earth and a testament to the enduring spirit of Venice.

Who could participate in Carnival in Venice in the mid-periods and now?

Centuries ago, participation in this Celebration was initially limited to the affluent nobles and sellers of the Republic of Venice. They would embroider outfits and deceptions, and participate in elaborate balls and feasts held during the extravaganza. Nevertheless, over time, the celebration evolved more accessible to the general population and other social categories, who would also join in the festivities. Despite this, the festival was still primarily a festivity of the Venetian nobility and the city's artistic elite. Participation was also restricted by gender, with women often participating in separate events or being excluded altogether. In general, the celebration in Venice at that time was a revelry reserved for the city's most affluent and privileged residents.

Nowadays anyone is welcome to participate in this Celebration, regardless of age, sex, or nationality. Participants can wear masks, and costumes, and participate in the various occasions and activities that carry place during the festival. However, it is essential to keep in mind that some events may have specific dress codes and requirements that participants should abide by. It is also important to respect the cultural and historical energy of the carnival, as well as the rules and regulations set by the organizers.

What happened with the carnival in Venice during the years of plague in Europe?

The years of the Plague in Europe had a significant impact on the Carnival and the municipality as a whole. From the 1630s up to the 1640s, Venice was smashed by a few outbreaks of the bubonic epidemic, which decimated the population and brought economic activity to a standstill.

In an effort to contain the spread of the disease, the Venetian government implemented rigid quarantine measures, including the closure of shared gatherings and the banning of the festival. The celebration stayed banned for several years, and its return was delayed until the late 17th century when the city had recovered from the devastating impact of the plague.

At this period, the extravaganza lost some of its popularity and grandeur, and it was not until the 18th century that it regained its former glory. Nevertheless, the years of the Plague had a profound impact on Venice and the metropolis, serving as a reminder of the fragility of life and the need for caution and vigilance in the face of infection and illness.

Definitely, the Plague had a significant impact on this Celebration, delaying its return and altering its character in the aftermath of the devastating outbreaks. Nevertheless, the carnival's resilience and ability to adapt and evolve over time is a testament to its enduring spirit and cultural significance in Venice and beyond.

What was the church's attention and opinion about the revelry in Venice in medieval times and later?

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a mixed attitude towards this Celebration. On one hand, the church recognized the pagan origins of the carnival and saw it as a time of sinful behavior and moral decay. On the additional hand, the church likewise saw the celebration as a time for Christians to come together and celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, a significant event in the Christian calendar.

As a result of these conflicting views, the church often tried to exert control over the celebration and its festivities. For example, in the 15th century, the church attempted to regulate the carnival by requiring participants to wear modest outfits and fronts and limiting the hours the festival could endure.

Yet, despite these efforts, the Celebration in this prominent city persisted to be a time for revelry and excess, and the church was unable to completely curb its decadent and sometimes outrageous nature.

In the following centuries, the church's attitude towards the celebration became more negative, as the festival became increasingly associated with evil and immorality. By the 18th century, the Catholic Church had succeeded in banishing the festival from Venice altogether, and it was not legally reinstated until the late 20th century.

All these prove that the Catholic Church had a mixed attitude towards The Celebration at the Middle Ages and beyond. Despite its measures to regulate the celebration, it stayed a time for revelry and excess, and its association with sin and immorality led to its eventual banishment by the church. Nevertheless, this festival has since been revived and continues to be a beloved and eagerly anticipated celebration in Venice and all over the world.

Why did the people wear masks during the Venice Carnival in the 17, 18, and 19 centuries?

During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, sporting masks served several purposes. Firstly, deceptions allowed for obscurity, freeing individuals from the constraints of colonial rank and enabling them to participate in the carnival's various movements without revealing their identities. This was particularly appealing to the wealthy aristocracy, who could let loose and engage in revelry not being scared of being identified.

Secondly, masks provided an opportunity for disguise, allowing people to adopt new personas and participate in role-playing and revelry. The Venice Carnival exhibition was learned for its extravagant outfits and masks, which often carried political or humorous themes, allowing participants to comment on current events and social issues in a playful manner.

Finally, masks were also an important part of the carnival's tradition, with many families passing down their masks and outfits from generation to generation. The costumes and masks of this Celebration in Italian city were not only symbols of revelry and festivity but also cultural and historical artifacts that reflected the city's rich history and heritage.

How did the masks at Carnival in Venice change during the plague periods?

At the periods of plague in Venice, the camouflage unraveled during the carnival took on a different substance. With the threat of the disease spreading, the government mandated that all citizens wear masks to help prevent the spread of the illness. This was enforced by the "Mascherari," who patrolled the streets to ensure that everyone was wearing a mask.

At this time, the masks became more functional and less decorative. They were typically made of leather or cloth and covered the entire face, with long beaks that served as a filter to protect the wearer from inhaling any contaminated air. These masks were comprehended as "plague doctors" and evolved a common sight during the festival, representing both the festivity of the event and the fear and precaution taken to prevent the spread of the plague.

Despite the useful part of these deceptions, they also symbolized the Celebration and its resilience in the face of adversity. The festival resumed to take place during the periods of plague, and the masks worn by participants became an important part of the city's history and artistic heritage.

So during the periods of plague in Venice, the masks tattered at the festival served both as a means of protection and as a symbol of the city's resilience in the face of adversity. These masks became an important part of The Celebration ceremony, reflecting the history and cultural heritage of this timeless event.

What was the extent of the plague in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The extent of the plague in Europe during the Middle Ages was significant and had a profound impact on the continent. The first outbreak of the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, occurred in the early 1330s and quickly spread throughout Europe, causing widespread death and devastation. The disease is estimated to have killed between 75-200 million people, or up to 60% of Europe's population, in just a few short years.

The plague had a profound impact on medieval society, causing widespread fear and panic, as well as significant economic and social upheaval. The loss of life was staggering, and many communities were left without sufficient numbers of workers or farmers to maintain their livelihoods. The shortage of labor led to increased wages and a power shift in favor of the working class, as the surviving workers were able to demand higher wages and better working conditions.

The effects of the plague were also felt in the political and religious spheres, as the widespread death and suffering raised questions about the nature of life and death, and challenged traditional beliefs about the role of God in the world. The church struggled to provide answers and comfort to the suffering population, and many people turned to new religious movements and practices in an attempt to make sense of the tragedy.

So, the extent of the plague in Europe during the Middle Ages was enormous and had far-reaching consequences that touched every aspect of society. The impact of the disease was felt for generations, shaping the course of European history and leaving a lasting legacy that continues to be studied and remembered today.

The mask and costume created as a replica of famous Norwegian artist Edvard Munch’s painting “The Scream” was an unofficial winner of the Venice Celebration in 2015.

What is the connexion for the Plague and the Celebration in Venice?

The Celebration was originally held during the height of the Plague as a way to boost morale and lift the spirits of the individuals. When times were hard, the carnival was seen as a way to temporarily escape the fear and suffering caused by the disease and allow humans to come together in an extravaganza. Despite the threat of the Plague, The Venice Celebration continued to be maintained, with players sporting costumes and masks to obscure their individuality and rescue themselves from the disease. The deceptions became a vital part of the celebration, representing both the celebration of the event and the fear and precaution taken to prevent the spread of the Plague.

The extravaganza also played a role in shaping the cultural and historical heritage of Venice, as it persisted to be held even at the most difficult times, reflecting the city's resilience in the face of adversity. Today, The Venice Happening is still a vibrant and beloved merrymaking, attracting travelers from all over the world and showcasing the city's rich cultural heritage and history.

Generalizing, the Plague and the Celebration are connected in that the festival was originally held during times of crisis as a way to provide a temporary escape from the fear and suffering caused by the disease and to allow people to come together in celebration. The covers modeled during the extravaganza became an important part of The Celebration's ceremony, reflecting the city's resilience in the face of adversity and its rich cultural heritage.

Did Casanova really exist and did he participate in Venice Carnivals?

Yes, Giacomo Casanova was a real historical figure and he did participate in The annual Celebrations. Casanova was an Italian risk-taker and author who lived in the 18th century and is best learned for his various exploits and amorous happenings.

Casanova was known to have participated in The Celebrations, and he often attended the masked balls and other events that were a part of the celebration. He was a charismatic and flamboyant figure, and he made the most of the carnival's opportunities for socializing and romantic escapades.

What is important to take under consideration when you decide to prepare the costume and mask for Celebration?

When preparing a costume and mask for the Celebration, there are several significant factors to consider:


  • Authenticity: The Celebration is steeped in past, and many parties aim to create costumes and masks that are inspired by the traditional styles and formats of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Consider researching historical costume styles and incorporating traditional elements into your design.
  • Creativity: The  Celebration is also a festivity of creativity and imagination, and there is no shortage of inventive and uncommon outfits and guises on display. Consider pushing the boundaries and exploring new and unconventional ideas for your costume and mask.
  • Comfort: While you want to create a costume that is visually stunning, it's also important to ensure that it is comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Consider factors like fit, breathability, and ease of movement when selecting your materials and design.
  • Relevance: It can be helpful to consider the theme or tone of the carnival when creating your costume and mask. Some carnivals may have a specific theme, such as a specific historical period or cultural tradition, that participants are encouraged to reflect on in their costumes.
  • Practicality: Keep in mind that the  Celebration is a large and crowded event, and you will likely be walking and dancing in your costume. Consider factors like visibility, mobility, and ease of transport when designing your costume and mask.

When preparing a costume and mask for the  Celebration, it is important to consider factors such as authenticity, creativity, comfort, relevance, and practicality. By taking these factors into account, you can create a costume that is visually stunning, comfortable to wear, and fitting for the occasion.

Which were the most remarkable costume or masks during the known history of the Venice carnival?

Throughout the history of the Venice Carnival, there have been many remarkable costumes and masks that have caught the attention of participants and visitors alike. Some of the most famous and memorable include

  • The Medico della Peste (Plague Doctor): A mask that was popular during the 17th and 18th centuries and was designed to protect the wearer from the bubonic plague. It features a long black coat, a wide-brimmed hat, and a mask with a long beak-like nose, which was sometimes filled with fragrant herbs but mostly with banal garlic to keep away the "bad air".

  • The Moretta: A black velvet mask that was tattered by ladies in the 18th century. It covered the whole complexion and was held in the area by a button in the jaws. The cover was often paired with an elegant black gown and a large, elaborate headdress.

  • The Bauta: A white front that covered the total face and was worn by both women and men. It was a versatile and practical mask that could be worn with many different types of outfits and was particularly popular in the 18th century.

  • TThe Volto: A simple mask that surrounded only the front and was usually ensemble with feathers, jewels, or other embellishments. It was often worn by participants in the Carnival's masquerade balls and was a popular choice for its simplicity and elegance.

  • The Colombina: A small, half-mask that was worn by women in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was often adorned with feathers, gems, or other embellishments and was a popular choice for its delicate beauty and versatility.

These are just a few of the many remarkable outfits and masks that have been seen at the Celebration over the years. The event is known for its elaborate and beautiful costumes, and there is always a wide variety of amazing designs on display.

How many people usually visit Venice during the Celebration?

The  Celebration is one of the most favored events in Italy and attracts a large number of visitors from around the world. The exact number of visitors can vary from year to year, but it is estimated that anywhere from 500,000 to over a million people attend the Carnival yearly. The event is trendy among tourists, who come to see the beautiful outfits, enjoy the celebrations, and experience the unique atmosphere of Venice during this special time of year. Despite the large crowds, The Venice Celebration is well-organized and visitors are able to enjoy the many activities and events with ease.

Amid the Venice Carnival, there are several well-renowned sites that visitors flock to, in order to relish in the festivities and bask in the ambiance. 

Amid The Celebration, there are several well-renowned sites that visitors flock to, in order to relish in the festivities and bask in the ambiance. Some of the most sought-after venues include

  • Piazza San Marco: The main square of Venice, which is also one of its most renowned landmarks, is a hub of excitement during the Carnival. Here, onlookers can behold the numerous participants adorned in masks, bask in live music and shows, and engage in a plethora of activities and events that unfold throughout the day and night.

  • The Rialto Bridge: This historic bridge is a popular destination for capturing memories during The Carnival. Tourists can marvel at the gorgeous outfits and masks of participants as they traverse the bridge and take in breathtaking views of the Grand Canal and the neighboring city.

  • The Cannaregio District: This charming and historic neighborhood is a favored location for Carnival revelers, who come to explore its narrow, twisting roads and observe the gorgeous masks and costumes on exhibit.

  • The Arsenale: This former shipyard is now a popular cultural center that hosts many of the events and activities of The Carnival. Visitors can relish live music, dance acts, and other cultural events while taking in the stunning views of the city and the surrounding lagoon.

 How do people who dress in celebration outfits and masks usually active during the carnival in Venice?

People who dress in outfits and masks during The Celebration engage in a variety of activities and events that celebrate the city's abundant history and culture. Some of the most sought-after things to do during the Carnival include:


  • Masked Balls: One of the most iconic events of The Carnival, masked balls are held in a number of venues across the city and offer visitors the chance to dance and socialize with other participants, all while dressed in elaborate costumes and masks.
  • Parades and Processions: Throughout the Carnival, there are various parades and processions that take place across the city, with participants donning their costumes and masks as they stroll through the streets. These events provide an opportunity to see the gorgeous and imaginative costumes on display and to join in the joyful spirit of the event.



  • Performances and Shows: There are many different types of performances and shows that occur during The Celebration, including music, dance, and theater. Visitors can take part in these events and immerse themselves in the city's rich cultural heritage.
  • Street Vendors and Stalls: Across the city, street vendors and stalls set up shop to sell a diverse range of food, drinks, and souvenirs. Visitors can sample local delicacies, purchase unique gifts, and bask in the festive atmosphere of the Carnival.

Do people dress in carnival outfits and masks mind being photographed on the street during the carnival in Venice?

Typically, people who dress in carnival outfits and masks during The Carnival do not mind being photographed on the street. Many people participate in the event to showcase their costumes and masks and often welcome the opportunity to have their photos taken. Furthermore, as the Carnival is a public event, participants are aware that they will be seen and captured on camera by the numerous visitors and tourists in attendance.

However, it is always polite to ask for permission before capturing someone's image, particularly if they are in a costume or mask. Additionally, it is essential to respect people's privacy and avoid taking photos of those who do not want to be captured. If unsure whether someone is okay with being photographed, it is best to inquire and respect their response.

How profitable is the carnival for the city of Venice?

The Celebration is a major source of revenue for the city of Venice. It is estimated to bring in millions of euros each year. The event attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world, who come to experience the unique history, culture, and festivities of the city. This influx of visitors helps to boost the local economy by providing jobs and generating income for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses.

In addition to the economic benefits, The Carnival is also a valuable source of cultural tourism, which helps to preserve and promote the rich heritage of the city. By attracting visitors from around the world, the event helps to raise awareness about the importance of Venice and its cultural heritage, which can have long-lasting benefits for the city and its residents.

Overall, The Celebration is an important and lucrative event for the city of Venice and helps to contribute to its overall economy and cultural richness.

Do the local Venetian citizens like the carnival time in Venice?

It is difficult to say with certainty how all local Venetian citizens feel about the Carnival time in Venice, as opinions can vary greatly among different individuals. However, it is generally accepted that the Carnival is a significant event for the city, and is widely anticipated and enjoyed by many local residents. The event is seen as a time of celebration when the city comes alive with melody, dancing, and other festivities.

For many Venetians, the Carnival is an important part of their cultural heritage and is seen as a way to preserve and promote the rich history and traditions of the city. Many local residents participate in the event by wearing costumes and masks or volunteering their time and resources to help with the planning and execution of the various festivities.

However, there are also some local residents who may view the Carnival as a burden and may be frustrated by the large crowds and increased noise and traffic that it can bring. For these individuals, the event may be seen as a disruption to their daily lives and may be a source of frustration or annoyance.

But you can be sure that the views of local Venetian citizens regarding the Carnival can vary greatly, with some viewing it as an important and beloved tradition, and others as a source of inconvenience or frustration.

If you decide to go to the carnival in Venice, what should be your program, schedule, and route?

If you are planning to attend the Carnival in Venice, here are some suggestions for your program, schedule, and route:

  1. Determine your dates of attendance: The Carnival typically takes place in the two weeks leading up to Ash Wednesday, so be sure to check the exact dates for the year you plan to attend. In 2023 the Carnival will happen from February,4 till February,21.
  2. Plan your costume: Deciding on a costume is one of the most exciting aspects of attending the Carnival. Consider what kind of costume you would like to wear, and make sure to plan ahead and give yourself enough time to purchase or create the costume.
  3. Choose your route: Venice is a maze of narrow streets and canals, so it is important to plan your route in advance. Consider the areas of the city where the main events and parades are taking place, and make sure to check the times for any events you would like to attend.
  4. Schedule your activities: The Carnival is a busy time in Venice, so it is important to plan ahead and make sure to schedule your activities in advance. Consider attending one of the many masquerade balls, street parades, or other events that take place during the Carnival.
  5. Allow time for exploration: While the main events of the Carnival are an important part of the experience, don't forget to leave time for exploring the city on your own. Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is full of surprises and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Perhaps it makes sense to contact in advance on our website with a local private English-speaking tour guide in Venice, and agree with him or her on a private tour around the city, meanwhile you can order both a general sightseeing tour or any thematic one, for example, "By Casanova’s footsteps" or " Unknown palaces of Venice", etc.
  6. Be prepared for crowds: The Carnival is a popular event, and Venice can become very crowded during this time. Be prepared for large crowds and long lines, and be patient and courteous when navigating through the city.
  7. Have fun: Most importantly, remember to have fun! The Carnival is a time to celebrate and is an unforgettable experience. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the city, and don't be afraid to let loose and have a good time.

What else could be the recommendations for tourists visiting Venice during the carnival?

Tourists visiting Venice during the Carnival should consider the following recommendations:

  • Accommodation: Book your accommodation in advance as the city can get quite crowded during the Carnival and finding a place to stay can be a challenge.
  • Transportation: Venice is best explored on foot, but visitors can also use water buses and water taxis. Keep in mind that the crowds during the Carnival can make the transportation system more crowded.
  • Costumes and masks: Visitors can buy or rent costumes and masks in advance or in the city. It is advisable to purchase quality costumes and masks as they can add to the overall experience of the Carnival.
  • Food and drinks: Venice is known for its traditional cuisine and delicious drinks. During the Carnival, visitors can try the local specialties and sample the local wines.
  • Safety: As with any crowded event, visitors should be aware of their surroundings and keep their valuables safe.
  • Respect local traditions and customs: Visitors should respect the local traditions and customs, especially when it comes to the wearing of masks and costumes.
  • Take advantage of the festivities: The Celebration is full of events and activities, including processions, concerts, and receptions. Take advantage of these opportunities to fully encounter the Carnival.

Should you hire a local English-speaking tour guide in Venice to show you the city and explain everything about the Carnival?

Hiring a local private English-speaking tour guide in Venice is a matter of personal preference. If you want a more in-depth understanding of the past and customs of The Celebration in Venice, then a local tour guide would be a good option. They can provide valuable information, take you to the most important sights, and help you navigate the city. On the other hand, if you prefer to explore the city on your own, you can still share the Carnival and its festivities without a guide. Just make sure to have a map and plan your route ahead of time to make the most of your visit.

When choosing a local tour guide, be sure to check their credentials, read reviews from previous clients, and clarify what is included in the tour. Additionally, it's a good idea to agree on the itinerary and price in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

The Celebration is an every-year occasion that happens in Venice, Italy, and is comprehended for its elaborate deceptions, outfits, and positive environment. It is a celebration of culture, history, and tradition, drawing tourists from any place on Earth. The event generally lasts for 2 weeks and features various movements, including processions, melody, and food festivals. The Celebration is a significant part of Venetian culture and is believed one of the most celebrated festivals in the world.


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