Language English, Spanish
Cost 55 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 4 people
Duration 5 hours

Discover the secrets of this modern and contrasting city located in the heart of El Salvador. San Salvador is one of the fastest growing metropolis in Central America with a population of 1.9 million people. You’ll experience the vibrant and sometimes eclectic downtown area “El Centro”, with all it’s colorful street vendors marketing their wares. Also the Metropolitan Cathedral where the great leader of human rights Archbishop Oscar Romero rest. You’ll experience the bustling plazas of downtown with it’s historical buildings and monuments commemorating great influential and historical figures.

Established in 1524. San Salvador has endured everything from earthquakes to  a civil war always showing a resilient spirit in moving forward.

El Rosario Church, Libertad and Barrios Squares, main avenues, residential areas, panoramic views to the city and the Map on High Relief are among the spots we’ll visit. Also the Monumento a La Memoria y La Verdad a memorial that bears the names of over 30,000 men, women and children victims of the conflicts during the civil war.

San Salvador is the second largest city in Central America (behind Guatemala City).

What is known as the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador is formed by 14 municipalities with a population of nearly 2 million people.

The tour may be extended with a visit to San Salvador volcano, museums, shopping centers, Cadejo Brewery (yes, they serve samplers), or combined with a nearby archaeological site such as Joya de Cerén and San Andrés or with a lunch in any restaurant in the city or at La Libertad beaches.

Take in count museums and some tourist attractions may be closed on Monday.


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