Golden city tour

Language English, French, Hindi, Italian, Spanish
Cost 35 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Any number of people
Duration 1 day


Welcome to second oldest city of Rajasthan. Jaisalmer fort is one & only living fort of Asia. 4000 local people are Living in the fort, there are beautiful Jain temple, hindu temple & Raj Mahal.

Narrow streets, zigzag way living museum.

after visiting fort walk down to old city with visit of old mansion well known as haveli,

nathmal haveli is an old mansion which belongs to former minister from 18 century.this unique haveli was built by two architects as compitation

Second beautiful mansion is patwa ki haveli.this a complex of five buildings all together which were built for five brothers by the father.

Have a look around of amazing shopping of jaisalmer art and craft as silver jewelry home made,textile,pashmina,antique,extra.

this excursion is included......


monument entrance

tuk tuk ride

tea/coffe on fort


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