Taj Mahal Tour

Language English, French, Spanish
Cost 10 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 2 hours

Entry and Security Check: Upon arrival, you will go through the security check at the entrance gate, which may take some time depending on the crowd.

Guided Tour: A knowledgeable guide will accompany you inside the Taj Mahal premises and provide a comprehensive tour. They will share historical facts, architectural details, and fascinating stories about the Taj Mahal.

Main Mausoleum Visit: You will have the opportunity to enter the main mausoleum, where the tombs of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, are located. Note that the main mausoleum is closed on Fridays and during prayer hours.

Exploring the Gardens: Take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful gardens surrounding the Taj Mahal. Enjoy the symmetrical layout, water channels, and stunning views of the monument from different angles.

Photography: Capture memorable photographs of the Taj Mahal during your visit. However, please note that there are restrictions on certain areas where photography is not allowed.


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