8-Hour Culture and History tour in Ganvié from Abomey-Calavi

Language English, French
Cost 75 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity Group of up to 5 people
Duration 8 hours

Abomey Calavi - Ganvié

- Meet your tour guide at the specified meeting point in Abomey Calavi and start your boat tour.

- Know the history of fish sellers of Abomey-calavi jetty and "acadja", the major fishing technique of the fishermen of Ganvié and other fishing techniques

- See Ganvié from far and reach the place of an early floating market.

- See other places of Ganvié, including the area of floating day market, the lover's road, water stations, the former place of Ganvié people today and the cemetery of Ganvié.

- Interact with a local family while doing household chores.

- Finally, have lunch at a hotel in Ganvié.


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