To Bukhra from Samarkand by fast train

Language English, French, German, Italian, Russian
Cost 100 USD for tour/excursion
Capacity 1 person
Duration 8 hours

The fastest and most comfortable way to go from Samarkand to Bukhara in one day - high-speed train. We offer them to use! We will buy round-trip tickets for you and give a full tour of Bukhara. You will not need to solve any organizational issues - just enjoy the beauty of the beautiful ancient city.

Ensemble Labi House is one of the main squares of the ancient city, in the center of which is the wonderful Nader Begi Lake. I’m going to tell you how the relationship to this architectural complex has changed throughout history.

Trading domes - you will see the domes of changelings, hats and jewelers. Together we will examine their stone vaults and preserved mosaics.

The Kosh Madrassah complex, consisting of two educational institutions of the 15th and 17th centuries. I will explain the peculiarities of their architecture and why Kosh Madrassa is an outstanding work of Central Asian architecture.

Poi-Kalyan - you are exploring an ancient ensemble consisting of a 13th-century minaret, the largest mosque and madrasa.

Arc Fortress - you will be impressed by the impregnable abode of all rulers of Bukhara, starting from IV century B.C. I will tell the history and legends of this «internal city».

Mausoleum Samanidov - amazing in beauty monument, built of burnt brick in the IX century.


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