Working with a group of 30-40 tourists and communication one-to-one require from the guide different approaches. In the first case, the guide directs the crowd: forwards it in the right direction, monitors its general emotional background, keeps in view all participants. When following an individual event you don’t need to disperse your attention to many people, but instead you should delve into interests and needs of every individual. What are the other differences of a personal tour?
A tour guide has to be a real psychologist to be popular with customers, as every tourist has some expectations from the trip and some information requirements. The tour visitors can be divided into seven types by their preferences.
With a wide outlook, the tour guide pledged that his trips are entertaining and exciting for people with different interests. But knowledge does not come from anywhere, it is the result of constant self-improvement. What ways of self-education are available to a modern specialist?
The times of mass tourism are gradually receding into the past. Today, many people prefer individual travel instead of group travel, refusing a clear program, time frame and other constraints. As it turned out to the surprise of many of them, it’s not so expensive, especially if you go within a mini-group of 3-5 people. Besides, an individual approach has much more advantages than the classical one.
France, the United States, or Thailand? A fascinating tour of old town streets, a gastronomic tour, or passive beach-related rest? What drives people of different ages and social strata to choose one or another tourist destination, you can know from the statistics and sociological surveys presented as infographics.
What reasons encourage people to go on a trip to tropical countries, and what makes them go to a cold climate? What do the world statistics and data of sociological surveys say? Some useful Rules for Traveling During the COVID-19 Pandemic for 2020-2021. What do you need to know before you buy a trip? How to book air tickets, hotels, tours, and excursions with the possibility to cancel and not lose money? How to secure your travel with travel insurance?
Sometimes the guide’s behaviors and character traits produce such a painful impression that the tour does not trigger to tourists nothing but irritation. What weak points produce the greatest dissatisfaction?
It is not clear for novice guides what they really have to deal with. The area of responsibility is the first thing that should be deeply felt by the guide beginning to work.
As a local tour guide, you deal with the whole world when expectant customers need to have their dream trip tailored. You have to be good at listening and uncovering what it is that the customers want. Therefore, it is essential to have empathy and human knowledge, so that you can understand and design trips for all types of travel needs. The local tour guide's job thus consists of guiding the customers based on his own travel experiences - and precisely for this reason, his own travels and "knowledge of the world" are an essential part of his daily work.
Let’s start off by saying that you can’t reduce to zero the probability of conflict with a tourist. However, you can be prepared for some of the situations and prevent their negative developments.
In this part we’re speaking about how to create a description of your tours, to get from tourists as much feedback as possible.
To attract the attention of tourists to your services and get more orders, you need the right approach to your profile design. In this article we'll show you how to make an account on the site as efficient as possible.
So, you were asked to organize a wedding tour in Barcelona. Do not despair or advise the bridal couple against making a formal or symbolic ceremony in this fairytale city, full of architectural mysteries, just because your experience, at best, is limited to such activities only at home. You are quite capable of doing this difficult at first sight task.