


Agra is synonymous with architectural brilliance. Every house on streets boasts of fine detailing on the exterior as well as interior. The city offers you to gather knowledge of architectural splendor of the Mughal regime. Not just the magnificent forts, tombs and mausoleums, you can find local markets where you can purchase novelty products at moderate prices.


Tulum is an emblematic city ubicated along of known Riviera Maya. It is a place whoever have the privilege to know, can to be named the paradise.


This little slice of paradise, designated as one of the seven new wonders of the world, consists of an unbroken 120 kilometers (93 miles) of golden sandy sea beach. It is situated 150 kilometers south of Chittagong, the commercial capital of Bangladesh. If you travel by bus, it will take about 10 to 12 hours from Dhaka and 4-5 hours from Chittagong to reach there. The beach was named after Captain Hiram Cox, an officer who served in the British East India Company. It also goes by the name of Panowa or Palongkee locally, which means “yellow flower”.


France, the United States, or Thailand? A fascinating tour of old town streets, a gastronomic tour, or passive beach-related rest? What drives people of different ages and social strata to choose one or another tourist destination, you can know from the statistics and sociological surveys presented as infographics. 

What reasons encourage people to go on a trip to tropical countries, and what makes them go to a cold climate? What do the world statistics and data of sociological surveys say? Some useful Rules for Traveling During the COVID-19 Pandemic for 2020-2021. What do you need to know before you buy a trip? How to book air tickets, hotels, tours, and excursions with the possibility to cancel and not lose money? How to secure your travel with travel insurance?



Having children is not a reason to give up traveling for many years. Once the heirs reach a certain more or less conscious age, progressive people are starting to plan trips around the country and even abroad. If your clients are exactly from such a family, prepare for the tour in time. What do you need to remember for making the trip leave only a positive experience to young travelers and their parents?


Sometimes the guide’s behaviors and character traits produce such a painful impression that the tour does not trigger to tourists nothing but irritation. What weak points produce the greatest dissatisfaction?


Shopping tours occupy a special niche in the travel industry. Those cannot be called business travels, but are used by tourists to solve practical problems. A trip to relax is not about those neither, but there is present some part of entertainment.


Everyone can tell about Westminster Abbey or Trafalgar Square, show the Temple Church or Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, but only the most knowledgeable guides can captivate tourists by chilling events of the history of London. We offer you three interesting facts which you can use to decorate any story of this amazing city of rain.


The Eternal City as often Rome is called, attracts by its monumentality and grandeur. Tourists from all over the world are willing to admire its fabulous beauty, but after they arrive in the metropolis, they are often disappointed. No, not by its beauty, but by the same type of information that local guides give them. What is worth to tell and what things to highlight to surprise even the erudite and well-read travelers?


It is not clear for novice guides what they really have to deal with. The area of responsibility is the first thing that should be deeply felt by the guide beginning to work.


Anyone who has ever packed things for a trip has an idea of what to take. However, there are some useful items many people never thought about. We made a list of the most useful things in a trip that are often overlooked.


As a local tour guide, you deal with the whole world when expectant customers need to have their dream trip tailored. You have to be good at listening and uncovering what it is that the customers want. Therefore, it is essential to have empathy and human knowledge, so that you can understand and design trips for all types of travel needs. The local tour guide's job thus consists of guiding the customers based on his own travel experiences - and precisely for this reason, his own travels and "knowledge of the world" are an essential part of his daily work.

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